Day 3 – Prospering for the Kingdom

Day 3 – Prospering for the Kingdom

Day 3 – Prospering for the Kingdom

Prosperity is a topic that has led to much debate and division among the church.  On one side are those who profess that money is evil and that it is ungodly to pursue and obtain earthly wealth.  On the other side there is the “prosperity gospel” which teaches that faith directly leads to material prosperity and that material possessions are an indicator of godliness.  Both of these stances miss the mark, precisely because they start with a flawed definition of prosperity, as they define it in human terms, not God’s.  

If we are going to have a healthy, Biblical view of prosperity, then we must see it through the eyes of the Father.  God built “riches” into this world – it was by design.  Would he rather those riches be in the hands of those who follow and love Him, or those who curse and rebuke Him?  God delivered Adam and Eve into a beautiful garden and gave them the tasks of both caring for it and enjoying its riches.  He delivered the Israelites from slavery & bondage in Egypt to a “land flowing with milk and honey.”  Why do we get caught up believing that God does not intend the same for his people today?

Understanding that God is the source of “riches”, the next logical question is – why?  Ultimately, we (and all of creation – including all its riches) were designed to bring God glory.  This should tell us that a correct view of “prosperity is God-centered, not man-centered.” (How Heaven Invades, p.3)  If we believe prosperity is all about us, we will never have the appropriate mindset, and therefore will never fully prosper as God intends.  

We also have to look at prosperity in light of the fall, sin, and redemption through Christ’s sacrifice.  “Prosperity is part of the atonement.  In other words, Jesus paid for your abundant provision in the same way and to the same extent that He paid for the forgiveness of your sin and healing of your body. God no more desires you to be poor and in debt than He does for you to be in sin.” (How Heaven Invades, p.94) In Romans, we have the reminder that “He who did not spare His own Son but delivered him up for us all, how will He not also with Him graciously give us all things?” (Romans 8:32)

If you are poor or in debt, God does not desire that you feel shame or condemnation.  He invites you to share in his prosperity and experience more of that for which Jesus has paid the price.  Jesus, God’s Son, was sacrificed so that we could be free from sin, sickness, and poverty.  Should we only accept the forgiveness of sins and go on living in sickness and poverty?  Is that spiritual? It certainly isn’t biblical… (How Heaven Invades)

God, as our good Father, desires to pour out riches on his children – both earthly riches and true riches that will outlive this life and carry into eternity.  He also knows our deepest needs (much more clearly than we do) and exactly how much we are ready to handle.  Most importantly, he knows that we become truly prosperous not by having riches, but by having understanding to see riches as a resource to use to bless others and advance the Kingdom.  “Real prosperity is defined by how much we give away, not by how much we keep for ourselves.” (How Heaven Invades, p.3)

And God is able to make all grace abound towards you, that you, always having sufficiency in all things, may have abundance for every good work.” (2 Corinthians 9:8)

Let them shout for joy and be glad, who favor My righteous cause; and let them say continually, “Let the Lord be magnified, who has pleasure in the prosperity of His servant.” (Psalm 35:27)